Pleasant surprises

July 10, 2011

I wasn’t surprised that the barbecue  was top-notch at Fiorella’s Jack Stack Barbecue when we stopped by for dinner in a relatively unplanned trip to Kansas City this weekend. I’d heard good things about it and we were not disappointed. The service and food were both great at the Martin City location we hit for a little chow.

What surprised me was the waitress’s response to the, “What do you have for beer?” I tossed her as we sat down on the patio to await a table.

What she said:

“We have Boulevard Wheat, Boulevard Dry Stout, Boulevard Pale Ale, Boulevard _______ .”

(fill in a coupla blanks–I forget what all she said. And then, as if an afterthought:

“And we have Bud, Bud Light and _________.”

All too often the wait-staff lists the beers with the craft beer relegated to the role of “afterthought.” So I was impressed that this joint had its priorities straight–showcasing solid, local beers alongside its tasty victuals. I went for the stout, which was primo. From Boulevard, it seems to me, their Bully! Porter gets all the attention, but if I have a choice of the two, I go for the Dry Stout any day of the week. It’s solid–and great with the ‘cue.

Cheers, Jack Stack! I’m a fan.


Beer pairings for regular folks, Part 4

June 27, 2011

Making college noodles dreamy

So this one starts with a collegiate classic: your basic bowl of Ramen noodles. But before I add beer, I kick it up a notch with one of the only condiments that matters: Sriracha Hot Sauce. It makes everything kick a new brand of ass. Toss some on your 10-cent noodles next time and see if you don’t agree.

Then, add an IPA. I’m tossing back a Single-Wide IPA from Boulevard Brewing Company in Kansas City. Highly recommended, with or without Ramen noodles.

Groovy hot-spank/hop spank combo that I find lovely.

Man, I wish I could do college all over again…

And a pitcher to go

June 23, 2011

I prolly won’t be drinking sloe gin fizzes, but come August (19-21), I’m heading to Portland for the Second Annual Beer Bloggers Conference.

Due to the popularity of my little side project (did I mention I’ve signed a book deal and we’re shooting for a late October release?), I’ve been asked to speak this year on kicking up creativity a notch or two. This invite is more than a little humbling, as King of Amazingness Beer Legend Fred Eckhardt is also on the bill.

The conference was informational and a lot of fun last year in Boulder, and I’m glad to be going back. I’ve been–live in–brewvana, but I’ve never been to beervana, so I’m very much looking forward to the trip, the beer sippings and whatever else may go down.

Portland, of course, brings to mind Jack White and Loretta Lynn, so I thought I’d share this video to get you in the mood:

I’m flying out a couple of days early to check out Brother Matt and miscellaneous other good stuff. Stay tuned…

Cheers, all! Hope to see you there!

Son of a beer geek, Part 2

June 10, 2011

Tom and I headed to Extreme Images by Ashley today.

I needed an “author photo” for this book situation. In an effort to document the entire monk project, his job was to capture the behind-the-scenes, special features stuff. So the 12-year-old, budding Spielberg shot stills of the photo shoot for posterity. The flash was turned off on my camera phone, which is what he was using, so they’re all a bit blurry, but fun nonetheless.

However, I couldn’t help but notice that in the shot above, Ashley’s bum was in perfectly good focus, while I was a bit blurry. Surely, that’s a coincidence.

A few more, below…

What's wrong with this picture?

Yes, I still drink doppelbock.

Say, "Whiskey!"


Iowa Craft Brew Festival launches

May 23, 2011

The inaugural Iowa Craft Brew Festival, pulled together by the good folks at the Iowa Brewers Guild, launched May 21 with a sold out crowd, great weather and loads of tasty beer.

As I spent most of my time pouring (my beer!) at the Rock Bottom booth, I wouldn’t be in the perfect position to offer a critique from a festival-goer’s perspective. Everyone seemed to be having a good time, and I know that the brewers were enjoying fraternizing with their kin–and sampling each others’ wares.

My guess is that the space was maxed out and that we could have used a few more portapotties, and that there is nothing but a bright and growing future for both this event and the Iowa brewing scene.

Many of the 20-ish Iowa brewers participated in a joint aging of beers in Templeton Rye barrels, and several of the beers I tried were phenomenal (honestly, I didn’t get around to trying many). Other standouts from my limited tasting perspective were Backpocket Brewing’s lager-licious-ness and Rock Bottom’s Matador, an (if I remember this right) impy schwarz with chilis, cocoa nibs, piconcillo sugar and cinnamon aged in a Buffalo Trace barrel.

Good times, good times. I’ll let a few photos speak the other thousands of words. Hope to see you there next year…

Eric pouring at the Rock Bottom booth.

Jacob from Backpocket (use to be Einfach).

The calm before the storm at Peace Tree's funkadelic pouring station.

Yoga for the beer geek: kidney, liver maintenance

May 11, 2011

I’m not saying it’s a miracle cure or anything. It’s just that certain yoga poses are known to carry benefits of this or that kind.

Since Wonderful Beer Wife is a yoga instructor, I tapped her asana-licious expertise to aid in the recovery from my now well-documented 46 days of liquid bread and water–knowing good and well that I’ve been beating up on these two precious organs.

And so it came to be that in addition to chowing liver- and kidney-friendly foods like cabbage and broccoli, I’ve done quite a lot of yoga of late.

Normally, my yoga is confined to bending my elbow, but Michelle designed me a yin practice designed to massage my alc-abused organs and get back on track. Since beer festival season is upon us, I thought I’d share this regime, which one can complete to great benefit in 45 minutes or less. The key here is simple poses targeting connective tissues rather than muscles.

Hold them for three minutes each, which is boring yet important in an easy yet length-induced difficult style of yoga. These specific poses were selected to target not only the connective tissues but also the liver and kidneys–a double-duty of sorts.

1. Reclining Butterfly (use a pillow or bolster under your back, which is more visible in the photo for pose #2)

2. Reclining Hero (you may want an extra pillow at the bend of your knees for comfort–this one sucks, to be honest)

3. Sphinx

4. Half Dragonfly (do this on both sides)

5. Reclining Twist (do this on both sides)

6. Happy Baby

7. Child’s Pose

8. Savasana (hang here for as long as you want to lock in the goody of the previous poses and relax the body–your body temp will drop, so get comfy–you might even want a light blanket to stay warm. Feel free to take a nap–sometimes it just happens, especially when you have the Yoga Girl talking you through a deep relaxation [which you could prolly find online, as well]).

I don’t listen to the same kind of soothing music that Michelle does, so rather than “Michelle’s stuff,” I’ve flirted with the likes of Paul Simon, Pink Floyd and bossa nova to accompany my yoga practice. Bossa nova, especially my buddy Stan Getz, is my favorite. Give it a shot and maintain your organs in style. Cheers!

Beastie Burger

May 9, 2011

With the fast in the past, Jake, Tom and I have set our sights on bigger and better burgers this summer. This weekend revealed our Beastie Burger, which features a medium-rare burger with chipotles, special spices, homegrown bacon, barbeque sauce, cheese, tomato, onion and topped with an egg. You would like it.

Behind the Monk at home

April 17, 2011

an interview with the Part-time Monk’s full-time wife

Michelle’s favorite song is probably “Stand by your Man,” but I’m not sure about that. That’s certainly been her role over the course of these 16 beery years, a role that has intensified during this Diary of a Part-time Monk side project. 

For the sake of a little insight behind the scenes, I caught up with the girl known affectionately on brewvana as “Wonderful Beer Wife,” to see what she had to say about the backdrop and how it’s going.

You’ve been married to J. for over 16 years. What’s that been like?

Well, an adventure. We kind of balance each other out in some ways–yin and yang. We’ve found some fun ways to integrate both of our interests–beer and yoga. When we travel we’ll make time for both. And J.’s helped launch the perfect beer/yoga combo at my studio, Prairieland Yoga. It’s called Pints & Poses, and we gather once a month for a 90-minute yoga session, then hang out and try new beers together.

What was the first thought that crossed your mind when he approached you about this project?

At first I thought it was crazy–why would an underweight, scrawny guy like J. want to fast? I was concerned that he would have some serious adverse health effects. J.’s a renaissance man with a lot of creative, multi-faceted ideas–so part of me didn’t realize how serious he was until he kicked the research into full swing. Then I got really scared–Oh my God, he’s seriously going to do this. Then, he shared the research findings with me and I began to understand that this was an historical project with spiritual implications. I decided to get on board–resist or support?

Is this guy really a family man? How does that work out with his beer fetish?

J. really does put his family first. True, we have planned more than one family vacation around a cool brewery destination–but it balances out with one-on-one time with me and the boys. We explore together.

How’s the fast going? How’s his home functioning? Any big changes?

It’s actually been going much better than I expected. His energy level is surprisingly high on most days–it’s not uncommon to see him playing some serious air guitar or wrestling with the boys.

Is he drunk all the time?

Not at all. I haven’t ever seen him even tipsy during this gig. He’s been very conscientious, especially because of the spotlight on him.

What’s been the biggest adjustment during this time?

The time and energy it has taken for him to document his day to day experiences. Also, the media coverage has added to his daily responsibilities. It’s almost like a second job for him.

How’s the book, the writing, seem to be going?

Really well, it seems. I’m looking forward to reading the rough draft. The insight from his stay at Conception Abbey brought tears to my eyes–really deep.

What’s mealtime like at the Wilson household?

This might be the biggest change for us. We typically cook dinner together as a family, then sit down at the dining room table to eat. During the fast, J. will usually spend the dinnertime in his pub/office, reading and studying. I miss that element of family time and look forward to cooking together again.

Any concerns?

Yeah, his re-entry plan is concerning–a bacon smoothie–come on! Seriously, he’s thought this whole plan out pretty well so far, but the meal plans post-fast are a little concern. Not sure his stomach will like the chips and guacamole on Day One.

Behind the Monk at work

April 6, 2011

An interview with the Part-time Monk’s full-time boss

A few have commented on what an ideal situation it would be to have a boss that would allow one to drink on the job. While it’s no laughing matter–there is work to be done–it is a perfect employment for taking on a project like Diary of a Part-time Monk for a couple of reasons: 1) I’m allowed to drink on the job; and 2) it’s a job that includes a fair amount of non-calorie-burning desk time, which is helpful.

My bosses all enjoy good beer, and one of the publishers is even a homebrewer. Indeed, my work environment would be agreeable to many, but not possible without a high level of responsibility. One of the initial concerns of the project was ensuring that I’d be able to perform well. That has turned out well.

The project wouldn’t be possible without the blessing of my bosses, and for that I’m very grateful. They attended the release party and field a lot of non-work-related phone calls. For an insight into my general manager’s mind, I tracked down an exclusive interview with Jon Groves (pictured above-right, playing along with J.’s plan for Halloween). Enjoy!

You knew J. before he started working for you. Can you provide some background on hiring this kook?

Well, it started out as us being frequent patrons at his restaurant. Then he ran an ad in our paper about a beer tasting. It was a blind tasting which was a really good way to get into craft beers. It showed you how crappy macro beer really was. After that I did everything I could to attend all the others to learn as much as I could. So attending several of those and eating at the Burrito every Tuesday, and often another day during the week, I got to know J. pretty well.

One day our editor at the time told me he was taking another job closer to home. So after running an ad in our paper we had several resumes come in. One was a PhD; there were a couple of bigger newspaper editors who wanted a slow down in their later years and a few college graduates. So when J. came in with an application I was surprised. Not because I didn’t know he had an English degree but that he wanted a change of pace. I remember him wearing a tie and me trying not to laugh. I knew he had to work at the restaurant but he dressed up for the interview. He even commented on how uncomfortable it was and how he didn’t want anyone to see him.

The interview went great, so great in fact I didn’t even interview anyone else. Even though those other people had more experience than he did you just get those feelings that someone is right for the job. He fits in well with our mentality and that’s a big reason we hired him.

What was the first thought that crossed your mind when he approached you about approval to drink beer at work as part of this project?

The very first thing that came to mind was how is this going to work? Is he going to be drunk, will he be able to do his job? What will people think in town? Living in the small town we do people like to talk and make accusations without knowing the full story. So as a business owner it was something I was conscious about. Then after talking with him more about it and getting to know all the details I was all for it. It’s not some “drunken frat boy thing” that he came up with on a whim, he’s really thought it through.

This must be a great place to work; what’s it like day to day?

Being a weekly paper, it really depends on the day. Mondays we talk about the paper coming up for the week. I know J. goes through hundreds of emails, while I go through all the mail and our sales rep Teri finishes up any ads that need to be taken care of. Tuesday is all about putting the paper together. Some days we are done by noon and others, say election nights, we are up until midnight or later waiting for results and sending pages to the printer. Wednesday through Friday is more relaxed. Usually we look over the printed paper, talk to those who come to pick up their paper and get ready what we can for next week’s paper. When J. wasn’t fasting we would usually share a beer at least one day a week and, of course, there are donuts.

How’s J.’s work performance with all this beer in his system?

There are a couple little things that have changed. I’m used to him telling me something twice but usually there are a few days between when he does but lately his mentioned the same thing in the same day, sometimes just an hour apart. I’ve notice that he searches for words when he’s talking more than he used to. Nothing major but little things that I’ve noticed from working around him for the past year and a half.

Is he drunk all the time?

What definition are you using for drunk? Is he slurring words and stumbling around drunk? No. Has he been a tad tipsy from having two beers back to back so he could get enough nourishment before an appointment? Only one time that I can recall.

What’s been the biggest hassle for you with regard to this Monk thing?

The media attention has been ridiculous. The first week or so I commented to someone to how I feel more like his secretary than his boss. While he was on the phone doing one interview I would answer two calls about more people wanting to interview him. I think he even said how he didn’t plan for all the interviews that people wanted.

J. boasts that he’s the “Staff Morale Officer” at his office. What does this mean?

What doesn’t it mean? He has done everything from plan a tour of a distillery to bring donuts and Mexican chocolate cake to cranking some good tunes loud to put everyone in a better mood. Just the little things he does to brighten our day.

Are you hiring?

Not at the moment, but if J. gets famous and leaves us for bigger and better things, then I guess I’ll be looking for an editor.

Video Games Beer Kids Plan

March 20, 2011

There are tons of drawings and grand plans lying around my house, but this one caught my eye today. Only the kid of a craft beer drinker would brainstorm the invention of a video game like this, not that it has anything to do with beer specifically: